“Have you Ever Said. It Won’t Happen to me”.
Get Prepared. Put your family’s future on solid ground.
No one wants to think about the possibility that they, a spouse or a child could ever be diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, about 1.8 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer every year — and the unfortunate truth is that this deadly disease can strike anyone at any point. Cancer insurance is a supplemental insurance policy that can help you pay for some of the many costs associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment that may not be completely covered by your health insurance.
Do you think an additional cancer insurance policy might be right for your needs? Cancer insurance is a supplemental insurance policy intended to work in conjunction with your health insurance to assist you in paying for the cost not covered under your health insurance plans.
Did you know cancer can strike anyone, at any time regardless of age or circumstances? Often without prior warning or symptoms.

Here are the Facts:
Approximately 39.5% if men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime.
It is projected that the number of new cancer cases diagnosed each year in the United States will almost double by 2035.
Cancer survivors were 2.7 times more likely to file for bankruptcy then individuals without a cancer history.
More people are surviving cancer than ever before because of modern medical technology and treatments. Care can be expensive and surviving a cancer diagnosis can create a serious financial hardship.
Our Cash Cancer Plan is All About Your Freedom to Choose!
Here’s how it works: the first time a covered person is diagnosed with a covered cancer, the policy pays up to $50,000 cash, one time, to use as you see fit. That’s it.
You may be able to:
Replace lost income while unable to work
Offset cancer treatment cost not covered by health insurance
Pay for transportation to and from treatments
Provide hotels and meals for your family so they can be close to you
Or use it to take a vacation
Here’s the best part!

No hospitalization required – you don’t need to have treatment to collect
No physical exam required to apply
Only health of applicant considered – family history not an issue
Pays in additional to all other insurance (even government or VA facility)
Money is paid directly to you, and you decide how it’s spent
More things you should know:
Issue ages 0 – 64
Individual, single parent, and family plans
Premiums will not increase with age – only on a class basis by state
Guaranteed renewable until covered person’s one-time cash benefit is paid
Benefit paid upon written satisfactory proof of first-time diagnosis of cancer while policy is in force.
Limitations and Exclusions
This policy pays a benefit only for First Diagnosis of Cancer while this policy is in force. Satisfactory written proof of first diagnosis of cancer must be provided. This policy does not provide benefits for any other disease, sickness, disability, or incapacity.
This policy contains a thirty-day (30) Waiting Period. No benefit is payable to anyone who has Cancer manifested before the policy has been in force for thirty-days from the Effective Date shown on the policy schedule page.
This policy will not pay benefits if the First Diagnosis of Cancer is made outside the United States of America.
First Diagnosis
First Diagnosis means the first time a Covered Person is diagnosed as having internal Cancer or malignant melanoma (this excludes all other skin Cancer); provided the diagnosis is after the waiting period and while this Policy is in force with respect to the Covered Person. Each covered person is limited to one First Diagnosis benefit under the terms of this Policy. To any one person the maximum benefit available shall be the amount set forth in the listed Benefit Amount in the Policy Schedule.